If you will an engineering school or college, you might be wanting to know whether a Macbook is a good enough laptop for an executive major or not. As a learning pupil of executive myself, I don’t find any trouble with utilizing a Macbook for my studies. In fact, I’ve several friends (and also a lecturer) who are serious Apple enthusiasts and use a smooth, white MACBOOK-PRO.
However, with different versions of Macbook in the market, it could be hard to make an informed purchase. First things first – a Macbook Air won’t cut. Macbook Air is for light-duty users who do not need serious processing speed primarily, graphics making, and designing. All variations of Macbook Air also don’t have a dedicated graphics adapter – which is a must for laptop computers for executive students. It’s an Apple product. Period. This consists of design, light-weight, portability, and an advantage if you are an iPhone user accustomed to Apple apps. No universality. While Macbooks are popular, most of your friends will be utilizing a Windows PC.
It’s not a big concern if you are alright with the OS and use iPhone and its apps to sync everything. Some scheduled programs might not run. However, to perform programs like these, it is easy to make another Windows OS in your Mac using parallels. All my friends do that and whatsoever experienced no problems. This way, you get the performance of the Mac and the compatibility of Windows also. What’s your opinion about … Read the rest